Tuesday, June 16, 2009

I am still throwing up!

I cannot seem to get over throwing up! It is actually quite annoying! I wish that it would just go away! Today I had my second OB appointment I am 14 weeks and 0 days. After an ultrasound and due to not being able to find the heartbeat I found out that I am really 14 weeks and 5 days; so my due date is Dec 10th rather than the 15th. It was neat to see the baby and to know that it is doing well.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

BrookLynne is going through...

A stage of "Mommy" she always wants me yet never seems to really want me.
Tyler has become really distraught about the fact that she would rather play with me than him... Although he really steps up to the plate and is an awesome dad whenever I need him to be. Its kinda funny tho that she seems to want me but just to know that I am there.