Wednesday, December 1, 2010

4 am are you kidding me?!

Tyler’s new job is from 3:30 until 2:30 in the morning. They like to keep him later as well. The overtime is nice but makes a hard day for Ty. So I put the girls to bed just before 9pm last night and they still think that I want to wake up at 4 am! Horrible I know. It could be because when Tyler gets home he wakes me up and then we talk and pray together. After talking with my best friend for 30 mins I am wide awake! I think that I am so restless because of the pregnancy as well but I’m not sure. Before I had kids I was able to fall asleep in no time. Now my mind will not stop running, any advice?
So BrookLynne has been super cranky lately! I cannot figure out if it is because she is still sick or if she is just 2; either way it is exhausting.
Lucia turned 1 last month and is still deciding if she wants to venture out and walk without holding on to the couch.
I am super tired and worn out.
Our third baby is due April 14th 2011 and seems to be taking forever to get here! I am scared and excited for the new baby. I still do not know what we are having and have not been able to figure out any insurance yet. I’m hoping for a boy but after 2 girls a girl would be fun too. I can’t wait to know what we are having. It would be fun to play with cars rather than dolls all the time.
I am thinking that I should go lay down but Barney does not seem to be an easy one to fall asleep to. Can you fall asleep with catchy little songs? They are fun to sing with my girls but they also drive me nuts!
Well I think that it will be fun though to get ready for Christmas. BrookLynne is so excited for a Christmas tree! We are going to get one today – I know that it will be a happy/crazy addition to the living room! Is it horrible that I can’t stand the smell of pine? I can’t bring myself to get an artificial one either though. Hmmm…

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Stay at home mommy

I have been able to be at home with my two girls ; it has been a great blessing and a challenge. The blessing is that we are able to have me be their primary care taker ; I can teach , lead and guide which are amazing blessings. The hard things seem to have a longer list. Isn't that always how it is? We see the negative before the positive. It is hard to have the lack of income and insurance that we have had in the past; also it is hard to be home all the time. I know it seems weird and strange that being home can be hard but it is. I am used to having the social interactions of many others from having a full time job up until this recent year in march. I fell and broke my tailbone February 13 2010. I was upstairs making a bottle for my new baby girl Lucia- Thankfully I had already put her down previously unlike my normal routine of holding her and preparing her dinner. We had recently moved our bedroom downstairs to have a bedroom that had room to live in - a master bedroom. We had even created a walk in closet with our extra bedroom in the basement. The lights were off which didn't alarm me; I always walked in the dark. Then the worst thing happened! My PJ's were extra long (also normal for me) as I started down the stairs my toe caught on the other pant leg of my PJ's and i proceeded to Fall and Hit every stair all the way down the stairs! I had fallen when I was 5 or 8 years old before but had not fallen down stairs since then. I fed Lucia went to bed and
couldn't move the next morning! I found out a few days later that I had broken my
tailbone -

Needless to say work became horrible because I could not be mobile
It has been 10 months and I am still in pain - I hurt all day every day - Its hard - I am wondering when it will go away

Now We are expecting baby #3 in April and the pain has intensified
I know that it is due to the pressure of pregnancy

Long story short it is hard to be home and not have my husbands help while he is gone at work. I am still looking for a job although I definitely have a full time job here at home. I don't know how everything is going to work out but I know that it will. I know that the Lord has his hands in our lives. I know that there is a purpose for our struggles. I know that the Lord loves us and blesses us. I know that even tho it is hard to understand that their is a reason for my pain and our family struggles. Sometimes it is hard to put your faith in something that you do not understand. To think and understand is not always necessary but it definatly helps. I know that the Gospel of Jesus Christ has been restored upon the earth through the Lords Prophet Joseph Smith. I know that there is a plan and that I will be able to be with my family through out eternity if I can continue to live the way that the Lord has intended.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

I am still throwing up!

I cannot seem to get over throwing up! It is actually quite annoying! I wish that it would just go away! Today I had my second OB appointment I am 14 weeks and 0 days. After an ultrasound and due to not being able to find the heartbeat I found out that I am really 14 weeks and 5 days; so my due date is Dec 10th rather than the 15th. It was neat to see the baby and to know that it is doing well.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

BrookLynne is going through...

A stage of "Mommy" she always wants me yet never seems to really want me.
Tyler has become really distraught about the fact that she would rather play with me than him... Although he really steps up to the plate and is an awesome dad whenever I need him to be. Its kinda funny tho that she seems to want me but just to know that I am there.